

If you would like to know the conditions for advertising and my position on certain advertisements, you can read about them here.

Some ads, when Adsense advertising does not appear, are for their own services or specific sponsorships. The rest are direct sales.

I don't want to hear about crazy banners with alien-themed ads, or crap that is impossible to close.

I do not write "sponsored"/paid/ guest articles or tweets.

I do not publish prefabricated advertising pseudo-articles.

No links or articles are exchanged. This is a personal blog and I link to what interests me, what I like or what is directly related to what I draw and/or write.

NO, links are not sold in the content.

This blog has published 13209 articles and a part of them are available in 23 other languages. Click here for more details.

At the moment, according to server statistics, the average number of daily unique visits is over 1000 with a forecast to increase. With some regularity the site registers peaks of between 10K and 15K visits/impressions per day.

The domain is online since January 14, 2002. Since then I have gone through a number of hosting companies.

This blog was hosted from July 1, 2010 until March 2019 at Redcoruña on one of their powerful dedicated servers, which later passed to Host Europe and then to GoDaddy, as a result of a partnership agreement. After the end of the experience, I am still hosted with them as a customer. In April 2020 I had to migrate to Hostinger in a hurry, because we were thrown out.

On January 30, 2021, I migrated again, again under a partnership agreement, this time to LucusHost, where I am currently staying in a Master plan with which I am more than satisfied.

Huge graphic banners leading the site, ads with annoying sounds, sheet-size page stealers that invade as welcome, intesticials, tabs under the content, popups, CPA's, CPM's, CPV's and other crazy CéPéCéSes based on minimum 100,000 unique daily visits with indefinite, variable, ambiguous and impossible prices, ghost clicks, agencies, resellers, and other rags …for me everything is simpler, own rates.

This is the personal blog of a freelancer, I'm not looking to earn four cents in exchange for twenty thousand impressions, nor have I created the site in order to fill it with advertising.

This site has its own conditions, habits and vices and I am very clear that advertising will never be able to subordinate me to the intrusive, taxing and above all unfair model of profits that benefit in almost all cases only intermediaries and advertisers and to whom we have to be grateful and scared to keep them happy in exchange for a pittance that they usually pay how and when they want.

I still believe in other advertising, in the meantime I will not accept business as usual.

Before you consider advertising here you should know that your advertising does not give you any influence to believe that you can decide to alter, or suggest, a change in the content, form or appearance of this site, or in the opinions expressed by visitors in their comments or in the subject matter of the vignettes that will appear. I advise you to read this site a little before contacting us.

You are renting a space to advertise your products, end, With this you do not receive editing or modification privileges on my/our opinions. Agencies sell advertising at their price, I sell at mine.

I do not sell anything on commission that I do not know, I am not interested in participating in affiliate or reseller programs unless I am a customer of the product in question, I have tried it and I consider it useful. I am not interested in advertising proposals that do not have a fixed payment associated with them, nor do I deal with resale intermediaries or marketplaces.

No need to argue or haggle. You have your prices and this company has theirs, as usual.

Forget also the traditional link exchange request, I only link to sites that interest me, that I visit and read. I do not agree to reciprocal links.

I do not publish sponsored posts.

Have I already told you that NO links are sold disguised as natural links in the content?

If you have any offer or proposal we can always talk about it. Contact

All announcements must be approved prior to publication.

Although the subject matter is not completely limited, not all types of advertising are accepted.

They have priority:

Those ads that have a certain relationship with the subject matter of the site: publishing services, comics, drawing or design material, cultural activities, magazines, concerts, cinema, music, exhibitions, etc.


Advertisements for drugs of any kind promising miracles or not, diet products or other slimming stories, weapons, pseudosciences, tarot cards, clairvoyance and other related stuff, pornography, political parties and the like, religious stories of any denomination, casinos and sports betting or any other kind, multilevel rackets, cryptocurrencies, NFT's, CBD, Forex, trading and derivatives or anything else you consider dubious.

Payment is made in advance.

The client will have a statistics area to check the status of their ads.

When the end of the contracted days, clicks or impressions approaches, an automatic notice will be sent in case you wish to renew. At the end of the contracted service, the ads will be deactivated.

Advertisements will ALWAYS be labeled as "Advertising" or "Ads" and if they contain text links they will be labeled as rel=sponsored.

No sponsored articles are published.

No links are sold in the content.


I do not publish or exchange sponsored articles, no disguised advertising as "guest post" nor do I write or publish other people's advertising articles with links.

Links are also not sold in existing content.

Advertising must be clearly labelled as advertising.

Advertisements can be added in different sizes and formats such as Javascript, CSS, HTML or PHP, even multiple layouts in rotation in almost any location.

They are displayed both for PC, tablet and mobile users (even on specific pages of your choice), you can also buy a certain number of impressions or clicks and even schedule specific days and times at which they will be displayed.

For questions and price inquiries you can use the page of contact us.


There is also the possibility to show your ads only in certain regions or countries to target your ads only to specific countries. You can propose a list of countries to add only those where you want your ads to be seen (white list) and if you want, another list where you do not want the insertion.

Cumulative number of visits by country. Data served by Matomo (updated every 3 hours).

Países visitantes

Reports of clicks, impressions and CTR are generated in PDF or CSV format. Here you have a example of a report.

You can also send your inquiry from the contact page.

Contact Form

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Receive free full articles in your inbox without advertising as soon as they are published. The full content of the feed is sent ad-free via an external service.