Golden Dawn, fascists in jail
The Greek judiciary ruled a week ago that the fascist and neo-Nazi (I never understood the addition of "neo") Golden Dawn, founded in 1985, is a criminal organisation. No surprises there. What is shameful is that it has taken so long to send them to jail fascists to prison, which is one of the best places to be that I can think of. And that the cleansing of these scum is not a global custom.
Now the penalties for convicts are known. Nikolaos Mijaloliakos, leader of these shits, got 13 years.
Five other leaders and former MPs of the party have also been sentenced to 13 years in prison. Yanis Lagós, currently an MEP, will meet the same fate very soon, as the judiciary is in the process of stripping him of parliamentary immunity in order to continue the process that will lead to his imprisonment. Another such leader, Artemis Matheopulos, has been sentenced to 10 years in prison.
The court also sentenced Yorgos Rupakiás, the self-confessed murderer of the anti-fascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas, the event that led to the prosecution of this bunch of criminals disguised as politicians, to life imprisonment.
For the remaining members of the criminal leadership, prison sentences ranging from five to seven years have been handed down to 11 former MPs, and for the rest, 41 elements, sentences ranging from several months to eight years in prison have been handed down.
Let's not kid ourselves
We may have put an end to Golden Dawn, but we have not yet put an end to fascism.