20 years of web


20 years of web Regular visitors have already noticed, I've changed the template. Deciding on a Wordpress template is harder than finding a good series on NetflyHBX. I'm not kidding. And then you have to add the headaches to adapt them to what you want,

Pedro X. Molina, Nicaraguan cartoonist, settles in Ithaca hosted by ICOA

Pedro X. Molina, Nicaraguan cartoonist, settles in Ithaca hosted by ICOA

Cartoon by the Nicaraguan Pedro X Molina in the exhibition "El camino de la bala", Encuentro Internacional Cartón Club "La Línea de Fuego", September 2018 The cartoonist is already installed in Ithaca, hosted by ICOA. Pedro X. Molina, a political cartoonist who fled his native

The first Jim Davis strips are discovered

The first Jim Davis strips are discovered

Quite possibly one of Jim Davis' earliest strips At least that's what they claim in Stripper's Guide, the highly recommended blog by Allan Holtz, collector and historian of comics and newspaper strips, and author of "American Newspaper Comics: An Encyclopedic Reference Guide". Garfield's predecessors A

Wiley Miller: "I lost half my clients and my house, we had to move to another state"

Wiley Miller: "I lost half my clients and my house, we had to move to another state"

Wiley Miller. Photo: The Spokesman-Review Six months ago, when veteran American cartoonist Wiley Miller finished and sent to the media his syndicated cartoon"Non Sequitur", he never imagined what was coming his way. In that strip, the cartoonist added something that, after being discovered by a

Cartoonist arrested for publishing cartoons that "insult China"

Cartoonist arrested for publishing cartoons that "insult China"

One of the cartoons attributed to the young Chinese cartoonist"Zhang" about veterans claiming retirement benefits. The red sign around the soldier's neck reads: "Please give the veterans a bite to eat". On Sunday, 28 July, the Anhui provincial police announced on its Weibo social network

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