New plugin to add a citation and bibliography block to the WordPress editor


Citations is a new plugin that was published on August 20 in the repository and serves to create in-text citations and show the source as a bibliography.

I don't know if it makes much sense to develop a dedicated plugin for something very similar to the"Footnotes" that WordPress already added in version 6.3, unless it has significant improvements in usability and/or more customisation possibilities, but that doesn't seem to be the case at the moment. I guess we'll have to give it time to evolve.

In any case, I have tested it.

Its use, like that of the native option, still seems confusing in principle, or at least laborious if you are a fast typist and prefer quick and easy tools or shortcuts with a maximum of two clicks.

The first thing to do is to select the word after which you want the quote to appear(1), pull down the editor menu(2) and select "Cite"(3)

New plugin to add a citation and bibliography block to the WordPress editor

Then click on the selected word and an edit box will appear(4) in which you can write the bibliographic citation you want it to be associated with.

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We write the text of the citation(5) and press that blue enter to save it.

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Now, we add to the end of our article the new block(7) called "Bibiography" that the plugin incorporates.

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Once this block has been added, all the citations we have added will appear with their corresponding texts.

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And this is the result, when you click on each quotation it will make the corresponding one towards its corresponding text.

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Something I don't understand is that it is not possible to add links to the final list. You can only show plain text, something that I think is absolutely against the philosophy and the sense of the web.

If you want to save yourself the process of testing it by building your citations you can use the demo by adding a new block called"Citations demo".

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