Report on the situation of cartoonists under threat around the world

Report on the situation of cartoonists under threat around the world

The image illustrating the poster is by cartoonist Hassan (Iran)

On 7 November, Cartooning for Peace and Cartoonists Rights will launch a report on the situation of cartoonists under threat around the world. If you want to receive it by mail when it is published, just sign up now in this form.

This is what they say in the press release, which I reproduce:

"The tyrants of this world have taken advantage of the turbulence of the 2020-2023 period (pandemics, wars, diplomatic tensions, digital disinformation, etc.) to tighten their grip on the media and, in particular, on press cartoonists."

This is what cartoonist Kak, President of Cartooning for Peace, points out in his article published in the French daily Ouest France on 28 September.

Russia, Turkey, Algeria, Afghanistan, Iran, Cuba, Hong Kong, Myanmar, Malaysia, the Philippines, India... So many countries and so many cases of censorship of cartoonists that deserve our attention.

As Matt Wuerker, President of Cartoonists Rights, points out:

"These are not easy times for journalists and the free press, and that goes double for the brave cartoonists we work with, often on the heels of some of the most despot and humourless bullies imaginable."

Cartoonists on the line

Report on the situation of threatened cartoonists around the world.

Given the convergence of their missions and their ongoing efforts to help cartoonists, Cartooning for Peace and Cartoonists' Rights have teamed up to produce this report, which presents the main challenges facing cartoonists in terms of freedom of expression that their monitoring and advocacy work has enabled them to identify.

While not exhaustive, this report is based on analysis and case studies from 2020-2022. It highlights the rise of state censorship in authoritarian regimes, the increase in online violence and hatred against print cartoonists and their increasing and disproportionate criminalisation, not to mention the plight of exile that recent conflicts have exacerbated. Based on these observations, the report makes recommendations for the protection of cartoonists.

Produced as part of the project "Improving Legal Support for Print Cartoonists in the Digital Age (2022-2023)" implemented by Cartooning for Peace and supported by the Global Media Freedom Fund (GMDF) and the Isocrates Foundation, this work, enriched by numerous contributions, has also benefited from the support of the Freedom Cartoonists Foundation and the World Forum for Democracy.

The report will be presented on 7 November 2023 during the Forum Debate 9: "Cartoonists: a profession in danger", organised in the framework of the next World Forum for Democracy of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg.

The report is intended to be accessible to as many people as possible and will be available for free download from the Cartooning for Peace and Cartoonists Rights websites from the above-mentioned date.

To coincide with the publication of the report, Cartooning for Peace also announces the forthcoming publication of three episodes of the podcast series "Tough Laugh x Tough Law", produced by Emanuele del Rosso and Federica Testi. The episodes will capture the message of the report through the testimonies of cartoonists who have suffered attacks on their freedom of expression in the exercise of their profession.

Report available on 7 November

Registration form to receive it by email

Cartooning for Peace

Cartooning for Peace was created in 2006 at the initiative of Kofi Annan, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and former Secretary-General of the United Nations, and the cartoonist Plantu. Currently chaired by French cartoonist Kak, Cartooning for Peace is an international network of cartoonists committed to promoting freedom of expression, human rights and mutual respect between people of different cultures and beliefs, using the universal language of cartoons.

Cartoonists Rights

Cartoonists Rights Network International is a human rights NGO founded in 1999. Based in the United States and a voluntary network of regional representatives of cartoonists, legal experts and human rights defenders from around the world, its mission is to strengthen cartoonists' networking, campaign to protect their human rights and advocate for those who suffer abuse, threats, criminalisation or displacement because of their work.


Report on the situation of cartoonists under threat around the world 1

Cartoonists in trouble, a collection of cases (III)
Cases of cartoonists who have been in some serious trouble because of their cartoons or satirical illustrations. There are also some stories of other people who, without being cartoonists, have been in trouble for sharing them.

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