Vox and co-official languages. Cartoon of 24/09/2023 in CTXT
Vox staged an orchestrated cantinflada to secure headlines and left the plenary session in a martial parade in which they left the translating earpieces of the co-official languages on Pedro Sánchez's seat.
The message they left was the same as always, the one that Cerillita, the dictator who claimed to have left "forty years of peace" and not a few murders between siesta and siesta, promulgated and imposed by force. A plea for the most crass "patriotic" totalitarianism for the joy of his parish of samugos.
Their "unique" Spain by the balls belongs to the black past of our history, which should not be forgotten. These guys are the ideological heirs of those enemies of liberties and diversity.
The unrest of these"nostalgics" was provoked by the approval of the use of co-official languages in Congress by 180 votes. The Popular Party, Vox and UPN rejected the modification of the Rules of Procedure in the first session in which different languages were spoken.
Among other things, a new paragraph is added to article 6 which reads as follows:
"3. Members shall have the right to use in all areas of parliamentary activity, including oral interventions and the presentation of written documents, any of the languages that have official status in an Autonomous Community in accordance with the Constitution and the corresponding Statute of Autonomy"
You can read the rest of the reform of the rules of procedure in the BOE: