2007 - 52 minutes
"Bloody Cartoons, directed and produced by the Danish Karsten Kjær, is a documentary that delves into how and why 12 cartoons in a Danish provincial newspaper could bring a small country into a confrontation with Muslims from all over the world. It reflects on the limits, if any, to freedom of expression in a democracy.
The director travels to Lebanon, Iran, Syria, Qatar, France (visit to the Charlie Hebdo editorial office), Turkey and Denmark, to interview people who played key roles during the so-called "Mohammed cartoon crisis".
A production of Freeport Media and STEPS International, and others, for the BBC, where it was broadcast in 2007 as part of an 11-part series called BBC Why Democracy? (Old web copy in Archive) - New website.
Karsten Kjær, journalist, director and producer, worked as a foreign correspondent for World Media before entering the world of television. He has produced more than 200 programmes for Danish and other European television, as well as numerous specials on international conflicts, especially in the Middle East. Karsten is the founder (2003) and owner of the independent production company Freeport in Copenhagen. He is known for his use of satire, humour and exceptional methods in covering sensitive political and cultural issues.
I have only found a couple of sites, one of which is for sale to individuals, I think at a somewhat steep price, and another licensed for showing at universities and colleges, although it is available in full online at Youtube and the Internet Archive, among other sites.