Directory of cartoonists

Directory of cartoonists

Links collected, verified and added manually by a human.
Only public data and references to Spanish cartoonists or those working in or for Spain are added to this directory.
Any private data must be accompanied by the corresponding authorisation of its owner for its publication.
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There are currently 6 names in this directory beginning with the letter L.
Laura Peñalver Justo
Firma: Piruka.
Lucy Gutiérrez
Barcelona, 1977. Ilustración y humor gráfico. Distintos medios. Web personal.
Luis Davila Malvido
Pontevedra, 1972. Blog del autor. Visitar
Luis Del Olmo Alonso
Bilbao (1922-2021). Humorista gráfico y periodista. Firma Olmo.+ Info
Luis Pérez Ortiz
León, 1957. Publica en TMEO y otros. Firma: LPO. Página personal.

Luiso García
Ilustrador y profesor de pintura. VIñetas para Diario Red. Web

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