Ebook Where are the limits of Graphic Humour?

Ebook Where are the limits of Graphic Humour?
Ebook Where are the limits of Graphic Humour?

Manuel announces that the Ebook is now available for free download

"¿Dónde están los límites del Humor Gráfico? (Deontology and law of graphic humour in the contemporary Spanish press)

This book is the result of the research he carried out over the last year on graphic humour, and contains the opinions of a large number of active authors

According to the press release... "This entertaining and rigorous study was Manuel J. Romero's final year project at the Escuela Superior de Comunicación de Granada (ESCO). The book, which can be downloaded free of charge, provides an answer to a question that has raised bitter controversy in our country in recent years: the limits of the right to information and freedom of expression and, specifically, in graphic humour"

The author releases it and invites it to to be disseminated as widely as possible, as he considers this to be a subject that has so far received little attention. Although there are tons of recurring debates on the issue of "the limits".

So be it:

Ebook Where are the limits of Graphic Humour?External download and synopsis 2.2 MB

Ebook Where are the limits of Graphic Humour?Download from here (PDF)

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