This one could fit perfectly well into the more orthodox definition of tontolar because it is nonsense of major proportions.
"Omicron: two death metal bands, so called long before the coronavirus variant".
The signatory of this nonsense seems to want to tell us that the word was invented a few days ago to name the variant of the virus, or else she assumes that nobody has heard that it is the name of the fifteenth letter of the Greek alphabet.
Bearing in mind that the Greek alphabet dates back to approximately 800 BC, if we do the math since January 800 BC, the word in question has existed for 1,030,356 days, that is, 2821 years or 28.21 centuries.
That some music group (or anything else) should have the same name as a word in the Greek alphabet is not newsworthy, but to point out that it was called that before the variant of the covid was christened Omicron is even less newsworthy and makes it even more ridiculous.
It is not even a curiosity. Just that, a pure tontolar.