Lightbox for images in WordPress 6.4 Beta 1

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The first beta of WordPress 6.4 is now available for download and testing and includes the latest five versions of Gutenberg, 16.2, 16.3, 16.4, 16.5, 16.6 along with the upcoming 16.7 version which is pending release.

As already announced in August, among the things that can already be tested is the lightbox for images or lightbox function. This new basic feature is available for native image blocks and its use is as simple as checking the "Expand on Click" box under the image block settings.

Simply click on any image that has a lightbox enabled and it will open in the centre on a transparent wall. Clicking anywhere on the screen closes it.

Lightbox for images in WordPress 6.4 Beta 1

I like simple things and as I haven't read much of the development thread I don't know if any mass application configuration is contemplated. For sites with a lot of images it can be a chinese job to have to mark lightbox every image. I expect some setting to apply to all images inserted with native block or at least to the ones added to the posts. When this option is definitive we will have to wait for some snippet to make it possible.

Some basic CSS configuration for those who don't dare with the tinkering wouldn't be a bad idea either. Anyway, welcome. It's about time something so useful and simple became part of WordPress core.

Beta 2 is expected on 3 October and WordPress 6.4, the third major release of 2023 is scheduled for 7 November.

Remember that if you are encouraged to test any development version of WordPress, you should always do so in a staging environment, never on a production site. To do so, you can use the WordPress Beta Tester plugin and uninstall it once you have finished your testing.

To do this, simply check these two options to receive only Beta and RC versions.

Lightbox for images in WordPress 6.4 Beta 1 1

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