Police brutality in Colombia
Cartoon of 13/09/2020 in CTXT
The militarisation and militarisation of police forces around the world has become naturalised, and so has the violence and brutality of their actions, including killings, sadly.
On Sunday, the funeral was held in Colombia for Javier Ordóñezthe 45-year-old lawyer and taxi driver who was shot and killed was murdered by the police after he was arrested and detained for not wearing a mask in the cabrón style for not wearing a mask. This caused the streets of Colombia to fill with angry people to protest for justice for a clear case of police brutality, getting in return an even more violent and brutal response from the police.
The increase in allegations of police abuses in Colombia in recent days has led the Colombian Congress to present a call for a comprehensive reform of the police institution projects of the Law for a comprehensive reform of the police institution.
Iván Duque's "independent" assassins
The statements made by Colombian President Iván Duque about the abuses are as worrying as they are shameful.
If he is lying it is serious, but if he is telling the truth it is even more so because he is admitting that the police are already an uncontrolled paramilitary group of terrorists who can kill anyone for anything. In both cases this should take its toll and he should end up sitting before a judge to answer for the massacres.
“Esas órdenes (disparos de policías) no las da el presidente, ni el ministro de Defensa, ni el director de la policía (…) esa orden nunca se dio”: Iván Duque. #DuqueResponde https://t.co/HAAJeXMr5n pic.twitter.com/k3MgEzasCW
— Revista Semana (@RevistaSemana) September 14, 2020
Who gave the order?
On 9 and 10 September, the Colombian National Police opened fire on demonstrators during protests over the death of Javier Ordoñez at the hands of police officers. The country adds another massacre to the 56 killed so far this year.