That blogs are no longer they are not even a shadow are no longer what they once were, we already know.
According to Technorati that popular and now defunct blog ranking, in 2006 there were 50 million blogs on the Internet and in 2007 they had already reached 116 million. By December 2010, there were about 160 million blogs
When blogs ceased to be a novelty, after those mythical "blog rings", the search engines, aggregators and directories that classified them such as Blogpulse, Bloglines, Google Blogsearch, Bitácoras, Blogesfera, etc. were dying and with them hundreds of small directories.
It no longer made much sense to treat them as something extraordinary and independent of the web and they were indexed in the already evolved traditional search engines.
Today there are very few places left where only blog links are still classified and/or shared as in the old days and where you can share your own. Here are three of them.
The name of the site and its message: "Share your blog" leaves no doubt as to what it is for., born in 2015, looks and works like most link aggregators and is quite active.
You register, add the url of your blog in your profile and you can start sharing your links accompanied by an image and description.
It has a number of paid options for"VIB" users designed to get more visitors, among other thingsthese allow you to send links without having to wait the usual 24 hours between links. Depending on the price, this time is reduced to 12 hours, 6, 3 or 1 hour.
If your link gets the necessary votes from the readers to go up to the front page, it is also published in your twitter account. It has a reciprocal link exchange system agreed on Twitter or Facebook called Share Market, a shop where you can display your products and other interesting options, many of them aimed at fostering the community between readers and bloggers.
DuodinGo share Market is a personal project by Francisco José Fernández-Medina López and María Victoria Sánchez Lara that was published on 15 March 2012. According to its own description, it is "inspired by sites like Digg, Menéame, etc., we decided to make our own version, with some "additions", the result is a website where all kinds of users can meet, no matter who or where they are from, to share stories, articles from your favourite websites and blogs, etc."
It works like most aggregators, with users' votes shaping the front page.
Although its design needs a refresh and although it has the appearance of at least moderate activity, it is an aggregator that always tends to return some traffic.
Here, activity is converted into Duodingos, the virtual currency to spend on the site. With 500 DuodinGos you can create a group, with 50 to promote an article in the sidebar, 20 to follow a group, 15 to leave a comment and 1 to report a link.
Bitakoras is one of the newest. It is an old-fashioned blog directory with the pretensions of a search engine created by Manuel Llaca in November 2020.
It classifies blogs by topic. The blogs that are added are divided into four types: personal, professional, corporate and thematic, plus a second classification according to seventeen different categories.
Your link on Bitakoras will be dofollowed and will be created a token in which a screenshot of your blog, the name, description, URL and the tags and categories you want to be found by will appear
Once your blog is accepted, it can appear in different lists according to different weekly achievements and for which you receive a badge. Each week the visits obtained are calculated and the page that has been most visited gets the weekly TOP1 achievement, and the first three get the weekly TOP3
As every neighbour knows, you can also make use of the different traditional massive social networks to give away your links and also in other more modest, but equally interesting ones, such as Mastodon, diaspora*, MeWe o beBee.