Vox, management balance sheet

Vox, management balance sheet

Vox, management balance sheet. Vignette of 08/04/2023 in CTXT

Last week, the much-talked-about solidarity concert that was to be held in Castilla y León in support of the victims of the fire in the Sierra de la Culebra, announced and organised by Vox, was cancelled after the artists refused to take part.

The garrulous Juan García-Gallardo, vice-president there for the PP, had the brilliant idea of redefining the concept of "solidarity". After allocating 160,000 euros to the thing and announcing the solidarity concert, as it said on its poster, he said that the concert would not raise money for those affected because"Solidarity lies in the fact that the affected neighbours will be able to access it free of charge".

The Junta becoming a concert promoter was already a stopgap, but octopus could have been accepted as a pet on an ad hoc basis because of the supposed good intentions, the magnitude of the tragedy and the promise of the destination of the proceeds.

This is just another example of the uselessness of these characters and how they handle themselves when they have to manage the response to urgent and real needs.

The subhuman and ignorant García-Gallardo, his associates, and anyone else who participated in this explicit insult to the taxpayer, should have been dismissed or sacked (although what my body is asking for is the traditional kick in the arse), ensuring that he will not have access to public management for the rest of his life.

*In the fires in the Sierra de la Culebra in June and July 2022, more than 67,000 hectares were burnt and caused economic losses of more than 80 million euros, affecting more than 300 businesses and a good number of homes.

*Data from the La Culebra no se Calla platform

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