William Shakespeare dies

Muere William Shakespeare

There are tontolares that are great compressed jokes, but there are also complete silly pieces that are absolute gems of silliness, as well as an inexhaustible wellspring of memes and assorted jokes. This is one of those that, seen for the first time, makes you suspect that it might be a joke, but it's not.

The video is already a valuable piece of collector's humour that will forever occupy a prominent place on the internet.

William Shakespeare dies.

Noelia Novillo, an Argentinian presenter on Channel 26, announced the death of an English citizen by the name of William Shakespeare. So far so good. The deceased was a guy with the same name and has been anecdotal news in more than a few media because he was the first Englishman to be vaccinated against COVID. His death had nothing to do with this disease.

However, Noelia told the story as if it were about the well-known English playwright who got it back in 1616, with the consequent widespread derision. And so far so good. Nobody is bitter about a joke. And so it was, thousands of chuflas flooded the never-moderated henhouse of Twitter and continued to circulate around the rest of the internet.

What is now less normal was the explanation or response to the error by this great admirer of"the mostreferential of the English language". I am no friend of stoning, a mistake is a mistake, even if it is small or the size of the eggs of the Colossus of Rhodes.

It never hurts to shy away from a bit of drama, especially when this mistake has not harmed anyone, quite the contrary. It provided thousands of people with a healthy moment of leisure. It's admitted and that's that. Someone once said, or so I believe, that the balance lies in trying to forget both successes and failures as quickly as possible.

I imagine it must be hard to manage such a sudden avalanche of comments of all kinds, but if the result of the mistake is that it provokes a lot of laughter, the best thing to do would be to try to get out of it more or less gracefully by having another laugh and letting time do its job. If there's one good thing about the internet in these cases, it's that the noise goes away as quickly as it comes.

Noelia he didn't want to get off the donkey and chose to spoil it even more and say that he expressed himself badly, that he missed a full stop, a comma or a parenthesis and that people misunderstood him. Let's face it, the exit it was a bit less than average and very unworthy of a self-confessed Shakespeare enthusiast.

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