The Windshield Wiper

YouTube video

Oscar-winning work for best animated short film 2022
Written, designed and directed by Alberto Mielgo. Produced by Alberto Mielgo and Leo Sánchez. Produced by and Leo Sánchez Studio

The Windshield Wiper

Here is the full version uncensored. You know, Youtube stuff, I guess. According to its director the Windscreen Wiper is a very personal and particular vision about love and relationships.

Beyond any consideration about the approach and the way of narrating it, the representation of the light seems to me very pleasant, knowing that it is played almost to the limit of the effect, scenery and characters form a collection of paintings, each one more beautiful than the other.

The Windshield Wiper 1

The Windshield Wiper 2

Website of the short film.

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