Iran, 12 years and 9 months in prison for Atena Farghadani for satirical illustration

Iran, 12 years and 9 months in prison for Atena Farghadani for satirical illustration

The 28-year-old activist and painter Atena Farghadani was arrested in Iran on 23 August 2014. Her "crime", in the eyes of the Iranian judiciary, was to depict members of parliament with the heads of different animals. Illustration by Atena Farghadani posted on Facebook These MPs

Two Turkish cartoonists fined for insinuating that Erdogan is gay

Two Turkish cartoonists fined for insinuating that Erdogan is gay

That is what a Turkish court has found in condemning the authors of this cover. Two cartoonists from the Turkish satirical magazine Penguen have been fined for a cartoon that has been interpreted as an insult to the Turkish president. According to sources, a Turkish

Siné, Charlie's rebellious son

Siné, Charlie's rebellious son

Cover of Siné Hebdo issue 1, 10 September 2008 2008. Creating a magazine from scratch in three weeks during the summer, the challenge seemed impossible. That was the reckoning of Maurice Sinet, "Siné", one of the founders of Charlie Hebdo in 1992. He had just