50 years after the coup d'état in Chile

50 años del golpe de Estado en Chile

50 years since the coup d'état in Chile. Cartoon of 10/09/2023 in CTXT

Half a century after the military coup that overthrew President Salvador Allende with the bombing of La Moneda and 17 years of bloody dictatorship under Augusto Pinochet, Chile is beginning to search for the disappeared.

US involvement in the coup is well known, but now declassified internal documents prove CIA involvement, including a conversation between Nixon and Kissinger:

"They should celebrate, in Eisenhower's time we would be heroes... but you don't see our hand".

All these declassified official documents and many others can be found on the website of the National Security Archive, in its section The Chile Documentation Project.

50 years after the coup d'état in Chile 1

Related: "Allende's biggest mistake was to believe that Christian Democracy was democratic".

CTXT Documents, 50 years after Pinochet's coup d'état

50 years after the coup d'état in Chile 2

Illustration by Lumpen. Twitter (X), personal page.

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