Asphalting memory

Publicado: 05/08/2023 : 22:06 | Actualizado: 06/08/2023 : 01:37 |

Asphalting memory

Asphalting memory. Cartoon of 05/08/2023 in CTXT

PP and Vox have agreed, among other things, to repeal the regional law of Democratic Memory in Aragon. In their document they state this under point 10.

  1. Promote the richness and diversity of our territory, defending our historical and cultural heritage
    to repeal Law 14/2018, of 8 November, on Democratic Memory in Aragon.

Just repeal and that's it. If we analyse the text of point 10 we find that repealing the Law of Democratic Memory does not seem to be related to the richness and diversity of the territory. Nor do I see much of a link with defending historical and cultural heritage. Unless they have decided that those murdered and thrown into the ditches are to be declared historical and cultural heritage of the PP.

It would make sense considering that the PP was born out of a party (AP) formed by Franco's ministers , which was created and chaired by a Franco minister who was also the founder and president of the group that acted as a criminal organisation that we know today as the Popular Party.

The right wing is an expert in tucking in those it considers its dead and despising those who are not, while trying to rewrite history by blaming any adversary for wanting to do the same.

There you have the piglets of the patriotic façade shouting "let Txapote vote for you" on their way to visit the Pope while their elders repeat the mantra that "old wounds" should not be reopened and considering "ideology" (as if having rational ideas were a bad thing) that society can give a dignified closure to that stage of its history.

All this is business as usual. A set of prefabricated excuses to continue denying, or rather burying, their Francoist roots. A mixture of equidistance and even sympathy (some call them nostalgic) to present themselves as a modern party that looks to the future without rancour. Pure and simple pieties, this stance contains one of the most twisted practices, that of letting the passage of time and a rehearsed package of denials undo history.

This talk of there being no victors and no vanquished is nothing more than a way of telling the forgotten that it is best to keep forgetting them. What is happening here with history is absurd and cruel, and this is not the first time we have been given the finger for it; the Council of Europe has already scolded Spain for abandoning the victims of Francoism, and even the UN reminded us of how badly we are doing it.

Now, the PP has in Vox the best of the partnerships because Abascal's macarras force them to stop this "democratic centre" bullshit and not to be the cowardly right wing to embrace undisguised fascistic evilism.

Here is the text of the agreement in question.

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