Assault on US Capitol

Assault on US Capitol

Assault on US Capitol

What can I tell you that you don't already know or have seen, Three Kings Day left us with a lot of images of far-right geeks storming the Capitol after they were given free entry, kicking cameras and walking around other parts of the country with their guns.

Here you can enjoy a parade of trumpeters leaving the Capitol through a door on which they have written "MURDER THE MEDIA".

The revolt of the extreme right-wing horned madelmans with the worst stylistic uniformity in history has already left four dead and at least fourteen wounded.

YouTube video

Meanwhile, Trump's lout was doing the only thing he likes, after working as an arsonist, tweeting as he would if he had nothing to do with it.

Assault on US Capitol

Trump at the result of the elections. Cartoon of 07/11/2020 on CTXT

In Spain, Alt Righter's worshippers have been searching for hours for parallels to try and somehow blame the left, the anti-fascists, the democrats, or anything else they feel is communist, for all the evils of the world, including the assault on the Capitol.

A good spanish Libelungen, at best, will give way a little to say that the blame lies with both sides.

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