A cartoon tops a list of banned addresses in Turkey that includes 38 Twitter accounts

A cartoon tops a list of banned addresses in Turkey that includes 38 Twitter accounts


The url of this cartoon, published on 22/07/ 2016 on the cartoonist's blog Gianluca Costantinithe url of this cartoon, published on 22/07/2016 on the cartoonist's blog, appears first in the court order for the blocking of sites banned by Erdogan's government of 25/07/2016, thus confirming what the author denounced at the time.


The second address banned in the list is the Twitter account of the same cartoonist @channeldraw, one more of the 38 Twitter accounts that the Turkish government has ordered to be blocked.


pdf-miniList of sites blocked on 25/07/2016

In addition, the website of the TV channel Samanyolu, YouTube channels and video addresses, two Facebook addresses and a number of opinion articles such as that of this Indian website.

According to cartoonist Gianluca Costantini, @TwitterTurkey did not comply with the court order and these Twitter accounts are still accessible from Turkey today.

Related links:

narices List of closed media and dismissed/arrested persons, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Turkey on 15/07/2016 (PDF)

naricesTurkish police block distribution of satirical magazine Leman

naricesErdogan's government blocks Italian cartoonist Gianluca Costantini's blog in Turkey

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Related: 76 cases in other countries


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