The catwalk
Translation cartoon: "And the volcano became the national catwalk of modelling for a day".
Cartoon of 25/09/2021 in CTXT
When any disaster happens, natural or otherwise, it is absolutely normal and necessary for the media to go wherever it occurs to do their job of reporting. On many occasions we complain that they report from studios hundreds of kilometres away with the consequent distance in all senses and also when they travel (to set up their absurd connections of their star face).
Many media remain determined to avoid that balance between necessary presence and twisting everything to force sensationalist connections, with chilling shouting locutions that speak of extraordinary events
Television is still stuck in the days when until a TV cameraman was on the scene, there were no other images. Needless to say, that has changed forever and they now have to compete with the immediacy of thousands of countrymen armed with mobile phones uploading videos and photos to the internet, various fixed cameras and veritable fleets of amateur and professional drones.
The first and most spectacular image is no longer that of TVs, experts in spectacularising any information to ridiculous limits. And they are still at it.
Lean information, useful information, public service or whatever you want to call it, is a different matter.
This type of journalism of fuss and bother makes any person, seeing what is being done, have the feeling that they can do the same or better with their mobile phone or, at the very least, never worse.
A separate chapter deserves the traditional institutional presence. In La Palma there was a sudden traffic jam of authorities, candidates and their press corps, all of whom coincided in their favourite vice of sticking to appear for the photo. A veritable national catwalk of modeling.
As I will not mention each and every one of the pantomimes of the aforementioned, which you will almost certainly have already seen, I will close with an example that illustrates in one fell swoop the institutional posturing and the nonsense journalism.

Translation headline: Visit of the King and Queen to the volcano victims: "Don Felipe told me that he is praying for us".