CfP: Cartoon Conflicts and Caricature Wars


CfP: Cartoon Conflicts and Caricature Wars

CfP: Cartoon Conflicts and Caricature Wars

Richard Scully of the University of New England (Australia) and Paulo Jorge Fernandesof NOVA University in Lisbon (Portugal) have launched a book entitled Cartoon Conflicts and Caricature Wars CfP under the title "Cartoon Conflicts: Contemporary Controversies and Historical Precedents" with the intention of publishing a book entitled Cartoon Conflicts and Caricature Wars. According to the initial timetable, it could be published in early 2023.

I reproduce the text of the call where you can find the deadlines, conditions and addresses for the submission of proposals for articles that will make up the different chapters:

"7 January 2015 was a watershed for political cartooning across the world. The terrorist attack on the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo killed 12 and injured 11, and prompted the worldwide Je suis Charlie campaign, focused on issues of freedom of speech and freedom of expression. The attack had deep roots, stretching back to the 2005 Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy, the resurgence of terrorism from 2001, and beyond, to Charlie Hebdo’s long history of challenging cartoon commentary.

While the fallout from that event is still being felt, the twenty-first century has seen a number of other significant conflicts over the nature and significance of cartoons, as well as many in which cartoons have been used as weapons in ideological, ethnic, religious, gendered, class, and cultural contests. Previous eras have also seen their fair share of cartoon-based controversy.

Cartoon Conflicts and Caricature Wars aims to bring analysis of these controversies various together for the first time, and to go further – exploring the significant cartoon conflicts that have animated the art and practice of cartooning over the centuries.

The editors invite proposals for chapters concentrated on significant cartoon conflicts, or caricature wars, from any and all global contexts, and time periods. Joint authorship is encouraged, as this volume is intended to showcase the collaborative and cross-disciplinary scholarship that is so characteristic of cartoon studies. Contributions may take historical, literary, art-historical, legal, linguistic, media studies, or other approaches.

It is anticipated that the volume will be published by a major scholarly publisher by early 2023 (likely presses include Palgrave Macmillan’s ‘Studies in the History of the Media’ or Ohio State University Press’s ‘Studies in Cartoons and Comics’). Chapters should be planned at a maximum of 10,000 words (including references), and contributors are encouraged to utilize as much cartoon and comic art as appropriate (taking into consideration the costs of obtaining permissions, as well as relevant cultural sensitivities).

Abstracts of 300 words, together with a short author biography of 150 words, should be emailed to the editors by 31 December 2021. Our expected timeline is as follows: January 31, 2022: result of this CfP announced (31 January 2022); delivery of full draft texts (31 May 2022); final manuscript delivered to the publisher for peer-review (30 June 30 2022)"

Any general inquiries should also be directed to the editors.

Richard Scully -

Paulo Jorge Fernandes -

Contact information:

A/Prof. Richard Scully (University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia 2351)

A/Prof. Paolo Jorge Fernandes (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Avenida de Berna, 26-C / 1069-061, Lisbon, Portugal)

CfP: Cartoon Conflicts and Caricature Wars 1Humour in trouble, a collection of cases (III)
Cases of cartoonists who have had problems of some importance because of their cartoons or satirical illustrations. There are also some stories of other people who, without being cartoonists, have got into trouble for sharing them.

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