Christian Lawyers, list of lawsuits


Christian Lawyers, list of lawsuits

Christian Lawyers, list of lawsuits

Cartoon of 30/09/2018 in CTXT

The Spanish Association of Christian Lawyers asked for 22 months of fine (6,600 euros) for Willy Toledo and added one new complaint for a possible offence against religious feelings and for another offence of obstruction of Justice in the case opened against the actor for statements on Facebook in which he shat on God and the Virgin Mary.

"This is not about 'I shit on so and so', it is about attacking a dogma and it is a lack of respect and a crime against religious feelings, in this case Catholics, but it affects all believers", said the president of the lawyers' association, Polonia Castellanos.

The list of complaints from this ultra-Catholic association continues to grow, in the majority of cases they hide behind the prehistoric and very repealable, at least reformable, articles 524 and 525 of the Penal Code to continue with their medieval crusade against abortion and euthanasia, also trying to exploit the particular interpretation of blasphemy renamed as "crime against religious feelings" in the Penal Code. They have won some cases, but the percentage of those they lose is overwhelming.

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The following is a list of some of the complaints filed by the lawyers, an association that is never short of money for lawsuits, and from them it is much easier to understand their more than outdated declaration of intentions.

Against Willy Toledo

2017. The Spanish Association of Christian Lawyers denounced Toledo for an alleged crime against freedom of conscience and religious feelings, to which it later added another of obstruction of justice.

They were asking him for a 22-month fine for writing some messages on Facebook in July 2017 that read as follows:

"I shit on God and I have enough shit left over to shit on the dogma of the sanctity and virginity of the Virgin Mary".

The trial was held on Monday 17 February, and Willy Toledo was acquitted of both offences at the end of the same month.

In November 2020, the Madrid Provincial Court dismissed the appeal by Abogados Cristianos and Willy Toledo ratified the acquittal of Willy Toledo.

Against Leo Bassi, the rector of the University of Valladolid and the Republican Athenaeum

November 2010 Christian lawyers filed a complaint against Leo Bassi and the rector of the University of Valladolid, Marcos Sacristán, for a conference-performance organised by the Republican Athenaeum, entitled "The Judeo-Christian roots of the West: a historical fraud to combat" and in which the comedian Leo Bassi performed disguised as the Pope.

The case was dismissed and the Supreme Court upheld the dismissal, also rejecting the complaint lodged by Hazte Oír and the Christian Lawyers Association.

Against Rosa Regás, Óscar Puente and Arcadi Espada

May 2013. Rosa Regás, Arcadi Espada and Óscar Puente are denounced for different opinions on abortion in El Mundo and on Twitter. In this case, although the underlying motivation is the issue of abortion, always from an ultra-Catholic point of view, they use article 510 (and others) of the Penal Code to denounce a possible crime against fundamental rights and public liberties and a crime of insult, considering that the accused "offend people with disabilities with bold disdain".

See complaint(PDF)

I still haven't found how this was resolved. If anyone knows, whistle away.

Against Abel Azcona and Maider Beloki

November 2015. Complaint for "acts of profanation in offence of religious feelings"based on articles 524 and 525.1 of the Penal Code against the artist Abel Azcona, author of the exhibition"Desenterrados" which was exhibited in Pamplona, in which the word "pederastia" was formed with consecrated hosts in a work entitled "Amén". The association considered this to be a "sacrilegious" exhibition.

In 2016, the Pamplona Court of Instruction number 2 closed the case anddid not admit the complaint filed against the councillor Maider Beloki. In May 2017, the Court of Navarra confirmed the dismissal of the complaint.

The Association of Christian Lawyers announced that it would appeal to the Constitutional Court.

The ultra-Catholic lawyers decided to go ahead by filing several complaints about the exhibition of the work in different places in Spain, such as Palma de Mallorca, Murcia or Berga (Barcelona).

In April 2021, the court of Berga the case was shelved.

Against Ada Colau and Dolors Miquel

February 2016ada Colau and the poetess Dolors Miquel are sued by the court of Berga for the "Blasphemous "Our Father. The 26th Court of Instruction of Barcelona shelved the complaint of Christian Lawyers and the Audiencia of Barcelona later confirmed the inadmissibility of the complaint filed by the Asociación Cristo Nuevo Amanecer. O_o

Christian Lawyers, list of lawsuits 2

Cartoon of 21/04/2018 in CTXT

Against Elisa Mandillo for the Santo Chumino Rebel procession

December 2016. Oral trial is opened against Elisa Mandillo, who was denounced by Christian Lawyers for a crime against religious feelings for considering her the promoter of the march called "Procession of the Holy Rebel Chumino". The procession paraded through the streets of Malaga on 8 March 2013 on the occasion of International Women's Day. The prosecution is also asking for a fine of 3,000 euros, ten months at 10 euros a day. Related.

Update 23 November 2020. Elisa Mandillo is convicted sentenced to a 9-month fine of 10 euros per day as the perpetrator of an offence against religious feelings. In the trial, which took place on 14 October in the Criminal Court, she was acquitted of the crime of provocation to discrimination, hatred and violence.

Update 8 June 2021. The Court of Malaga confirms conviction imposed for an offence against religious feelings, rejecting the appeal presented by the defence and maintains the sentence of a fine of 2,700 euros.

Against Drag Shetlas

March 2017 The Public Prosecutor's Office opens proceedings against Drag Sehtlas for an alleged offence against religious feelings.

13 /03/ 2017. The Public Prosecutor's Office closes the case. The criminal investigation proceedings initiated following a complaint by the Association of Christian Lawyers are closed because it does not see any "intention to offend" a religion, but rather an "acid criticism" made in the context of a carnival.

12 /09/ 2017 Drag Sethlas, summoned to testify, once again, before the judge for his performance at the Las Palmas Carnival. Borja Casillas will have to testify on Wednesday 13 September after the Court admitted another complaint from a citizen of Seville accusing him of hurting religious feelings... (Source)

19 /12/ 2017: The judge closes the case against Drag Sethlas, considering that his performance was not offensive. Judge Estela María Marrero acknowledges that Borja Casillas' performance may have offended the religious feelings of a certain number of people, but "it is not necessarily offensive in the criminal legal sense". Let's see if the eternally offended are getting the message.

09/01/2018: The judge admits the appeal against Drag Sethlas. The Court of Instruction number 8 of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria has accepted the appeal presented by Abogados Cristianos, after the judge Estela María Marrero Sánchez decided to close the case on the 18th of December.(Source)

30/07/ 2018. The complaint against Drag Sethlas is definitively archived and the Christian Lawyers Association is ordered to pay the costs.

The Provincial Court understands that the use of religious elements in the performance should not be taken out of context of what is a "transgressive", "exaggerated" and "daring" party and that therefore there was no "offensive spirit" towards religious feelings (Source)

Christian Lawyers criticised Judge Marrero for"a copy and paste" (sic)

Against José Cardador

July 2017. Complaint before the Public Prosecutor's Office against the municipal urban planning manager of Malaga, José Cardador for "prohibiting" religious images in public spaces of the Consistory, specifically in the Municipal Urban Planning Management of Malaga for a crime against religious feelings contained in article 525 of the Penal Code, and for a crime of prevarication contemplated in article 404. I do not know the status of this complaint.

Against Carlos Santiago

February 2018. They announced a complaint against the writer and playwright Carlos Santiago for the Carnival of Santiago, for"vexatious anti-Christian content" and announced that they were looking for arguments to extend the complaint to the mayor, Martiño Noriega. The association, in a press release, points out that during the monologue "allusions were made to the eggs of the apostle Santiago and insinuations about fellatio of the Virgin of Pilar to the saint".

In October 2018 the complaint is admitted for processing.

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February 2018 cartoon about this other case.

Against Ana Otadui and Alberto de las Heras

June 2018. The president of the General Assembly of Bizkaia is being investigated for the exhibition of "vexatious" images against Christians, considering them a crime against religious feelings, the president of the Assembly, Ana Otadui (PNV), and Alberto de las Heras, author of the play"From Russia with Love", are denounced.

The image was part of the exhibition "Bilbao Bizkaia Pride 2018: art for sexual diversity", as part of the events of the International Day against LGTBIphobia.

Against Blanca Cañedo-Argüelles

June 2018. Complaint against Blanca Cañedo-Argüelles, defender of abortion rights, director of the Belladona Clinic, member of the Board of Directors of ACAI and President of the Association Mar de Niebla. Compensation of 6,000 euros is sought "for unlawful interference with the honour" of the association for statements made by Cañedo in an interview published on 19 March in La Voz de Asturias.

In December 2019, the Provincial Court of Valladolid blanca Cañedo is acquitted-Argüelles of the prosecution. Against this decision, handed down on Friday 13 December, an appeal in cassation can be lodged before the same court.

Against Ismael Ballester

July 2018. Complaint against Ismael Ballester of Esquerra Unida, first deputy mayor of Callosa del Segura (Alicante), for "injuring his dignity and undermining his reputation" for stating that "Christian Lawyers is a clearly anti-democratic platform", that "the extreme right is once again trying to involve Spanish society by linking religion with extreme right-wing ideology", He also said that "all they do is try to put pressure on the judicial system and politicians, even reaching local parties".

The trial was held on 1 October and in the judgement of 4 October Ismael Ballester was acquitted and the Christian Lawyers Association was ordered to pay costs. (Source)

Against the Ministry of the Interior

August 2018Lawsuit the Ministry of the Interior for maintaining the public utility of a pro-euthanasia association. Christian Lawyers asks the National Court to revoke the public utility of Derecho a Morir Dignamente (DMD) in Madrid on the grounds that its activity is "of dubious legal protection and its aims are contrary to the law".

Against the Santísimo Coño Insumiso

On 3 March 2019, the defendants of the Christian Lawyers Association will sit in the dock for a crime against religious feelings for organising the Procession of the Santísimo Coño Insumiso which was held on 1 May 2014 in Seville. The Public Prosecutor's Office asked for each of them a penalty of 3,000 euros (ten months' fine at a rate of 10 euros per day) for, among other things, having "the purpose of ridiculing the dogmas of the Catholic faith".

The Seville High Court reopened in March 2017 the case against three women for participating in the 'procession', a case that had been shelved in June 2016. The association's appeal filed that same month was upheld. (Source)

11/09/2019Acquitted the three women tried for the 'insubmissive pussy' procession: they did not want to offend religious feelings.

Against the Ministry of Education of Castilla y León

July 2019 The appeal of Christian Lawyers lawsuit of Christian Lawyers for applying the transsexuality protocol in schools in Castile and León. In December announce two possible lawsuits against Rocío Lucas, regional minister of education.

Against Marisa Ruz and Charo Corrales

July 2019. Admitted for processing lawsuit of Christian Lawyers against Marisa Ruz (IU), ex-delegate for Culture of the Cordoba Provincial Council and president of the Botí Foundation, and the painter Charo Corrales for a painting of the Virgin"masturbating".

Against Agustina García

November 2019. Lawsuit against Agustina García, provincial director of Education in Valladolid for allowing Cristina Almeida to give talks in schools. Source.

Against Netfix

December 2019
They claim to have complaint filed against Netflix for the film The first temptation of Christ which depicts Jesus Christ as a homosexual. The association considers that it is a mockery and an attack on religious sentiments, once again invoking the infamous article 525 of our Penal Code.

The only notable "success" of the Spanish Association of Christian Lawyers was this. They have also been involved in other ridiculous allegations which have also ended up being shelved.

Against Beatriz Gimeno

January 2020. Complaint to the Public Prosecutor's Office against the new director of the Women's Institute, Beatriz Gimeno, for an alleged hate crime.

The Association filed a complaint with the Public Prosecutor's Office against Beatriz Gimeno for an alleged hate crime under art. 510 of the Penal Code.

According to the plaintiffs, Gimeno published an article in in 2013 in which she justified the burning of churches Press release.

Against two sexologists

January 2020 Complaint against two sexologists from the sexuality service of La Rioja (SERISE) for an alleged crime of slander. Another action to promote the Parental Pin Press release (Chanante)

Against Minister Celaá

February 2020 - Complaint against Minister Celaá "for trying to curb the right of parents to choose their children's education".

On 20 February announce that they will take legal action against María Isabel Celaá, Minister of Education and Vocational Training and spokesperson of the Government, "for an alleged crime committed by a public official against individual rights, contemplated in article 542 of the Penal Code". A face-to-the-gallery action designed only to make noise in order to defend the misnamed "Parental Pin".

Against the Mayor of Cádiz

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June 2020. Complaint against the mayor of Cadiz, José María González, for hanging the LGTBI flag from the City Hall. The judge orders withdrawal of the flag.

Against the director of the Guardia Civil

June 2020. The association AC announces has filed a complaint for prevarication against the director general of the Civil Guard, María Gámez Gámez, for allowing the official shield of the Guardia Civil on her Twitter account to display the rainbow colours of the LGTBI flag in the background instead of the usual green.

Against LGTBI activists

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June 2020. The Court of Instruction No. 3 of Alcalá de Henares orders the opening of proceedings for the bursting in of several activists of the LGTBI collective in the Cathedral of the Madrid town in April 2019 in protest against some courses organised by the said diocese for "to cure homosexuals". In the complaint against the demonstrators they are accused of several crimes, including profanation, interruption of worship and hate crime.

Against Manuel Borja-Villel, director of the Reina Sofia Museum

December 2020. The lawsuit for alleged offences against religious feelings and "incitement to hatred" is motivated by several images, including that of a crucified Christ on a plane, which can be seen in the exhibition "..."Kind cruelty. León Ferrari. 100 years". In the same exhibition there is a Christ on a grill and a collage with different religious images in sexual scenes. Hazteoir, which is campaigning for the withdrawal of the exhibition because it "insults Jesus", has joined the complaint.

Against Pablo Iglesias

April 2021. Yisus spokespersons are suing Iglesias for allegedly failing to assist the elderly during the pandemic. On their very Christian website they say it is for injuries and reckless homicide, among other crimes such as omission of the duty to help and prevarication in the management of the coronavirus crisis.

And how could it be otherwise, its president, Polonia Castellanos, brings 8M into the equation, assuring that "the former vice-president of the government knew that by hiding the reality of the coronavirus until after 8M, he was putting the lives of the most vulnerable at risk, but he didn't care".

Against the government

September 2021. Legal proceedings are initiated against the Spanish government for "an alleged crime of prevarication in the management of the coronavirus crisis. The Christian lawyers, according to their websitethey blame the central executive for, among other things, "not taking measures despite being informed of the lethality of the virus".

Against David Roig

September 2021. Complaint against David Roig, Podemos candidate in the last municipal elections in Meliana (Valencia) for an alleged crime of incitement to hatred and violence (art. 510 of the Penal Code) for a comment on Facebook about the murder of nuns and others aBC article about the murder of nuns and other religious during the Second Republic and the Civil War.

"Only 7,000? What a pity. There should have been many more".

The Court of Instruction nº4 of Moncada filed the complaint after the unfavourable report of the Public Prosecutor's Office. Christian Lawyers, from their websiteannounced that they will appeal and that they will present a complaint to the CGPJ against the prosecutor of the case, whom they point out as "of known secularist ideology".

Against Castellón City Council

October 2021. Contentious-Administrative Appeal against the Castellón City Council for the distribution of books with LGTBIQ+ themes. Christian Lawyers uses the usual term of the ultra-right ("LGBTI ideology books") in public schools alleging that "it violates several fundamental rights such as the right of parents to decide the education of their children (27.3 CE), the ideological and religious freedom (16.1 CE) and the obligation of the administration to be objective and neutral (art. 103.1 CE)".

The court adopted a precautionary measure (see order) at the request of Abogados Cristianos for violating "religious freedom" and ordered the withdrawal of the books. The city council announced that it would file an appeal against this decision List of "withdrawn" books.

25 October. The judge lifts the withdrawal of LGTBI books from the institutes of Castelló

The head of the court considers that"no evidence has been provided, even circumstantial, that there is any illegality" in the municipal campaign against homophobia.

Against the bakery La Verguería

December 2021. Christian Lawyers and VoX sue the Sevillian pastry shop The Verguería for an alleged offence against religious sentiments by a Nativity scene made with cakes in the shape of penises and vaginas.

Against the Junta de Galicia

January 2022. Contentious-administrative appeal against the Regional Ministry of Culture of the Galician Regional Government for the removal of the monument the case was brought against the Regional Ministry of Culture of the Regional Government of Galicia for the construction of the San Juan Pablo II church on Monte del Gozo (Santiago de Compostela), which was in a state of ruin. They also threatened to sue Alberto Núñez Feijóo, but I guess it was just lip service.

Against Yeguada Latinoamericada

May 2022. Lawsuit against the group Yeguada Latinoamericana for a performance in front of several temples in the city of Cuenca such as the Cathedral or the parish of the Virgen de la Luz for three possible crimes: crime of incitement to hatred (art. 510 of the Penal Code), crime against religious feelings (art. 525 of the CP) and crime of unlawful demonstration (art. 513 of the CP).

Against Quequé

July 2022. Complaint against Héctor de Miguel, "Quequé"for an alleged crime of incitement to hatred, harassment and against religious feelings and scorn (and the whole lot, you know) for satirical content in his programme "Hora Ventipico" on Cadena Ser.

Against the post office

 November 2022. The association sought injunctive relief to prevent the distribution of the commemorative stampss of the centenary of the Communist Party of Spain. The Madrid court number 30 of the contentious accepted the request for urgent measures and ordered to suspend the issuance of the stamp.

Later, the judge who suspended the stamp issue for four months decided to lift it in view of the allegations presented by Correos, understanding that the fulfilment of the legal procedure foreseen for it "dissolves all doubts about the existence of the factual way alleged by the plaintiff".

According to the order, the judge also ordered to impose the procedural costs caused to the Christian Lawyers Association, which will have the right to file an appeal within 15 days after being notified of the order. Source.

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