Colombian cartoonist Nani is accused of "inciting hatred against Venezuelans"

Presentan acción de tutela contra la viñetista colombiana Nani por "instigar al odio a los venezolanos"

Cartoon subject of the tutela

Another complaint (tutela) against a cartoonist in Colombia, although in this case the author has been living in Spain since 1997 Adriana Mosquera who signs as "Nani".

A citizen living in Cúcuta has filed a tutela (legal action) against the La Opinión newspaper and the cartoonist "Nani " for the strip of the section "El Mundo Mágico de Magola" published on 8 September in the newspaper Diario la Opinión, considering that it generates xenophobia, that it instigates hatred of Venezuelans, that it harasses and discriminates against Venezuelans and that it presupposes malicious intent in the message of the strip.

The tutelage requests that the author retract and that the corresponding sanctions be imposed on her.

Colombian cartoonist Nani is accused of "inciting hatred against Venezuelans" 1

It is curious that the complainant criticises and denounces the author for the same thing she criticises and denounces in her strip. It has all the appearance of another case of denunciation by a typical person with no sense of irony. Nor for satire or any other mechanism of humour.

The author's first reaction on Facebook was this:

"Magola entutelada.
Dear friends, someone understood the opposite about one of my strips and they are trying to silence me with tutelage. I am an immigrant in Spain and I see that injustices are committed against Venezuelan immigrants. That's why this strip in which Mr. X understood that I promote hatred, please!

On Twitter she qualified:

"As a Colombian immigrant in Spain I am very sensitive to Venezuelan immigrants and with this strip I intended to show that we Colombians are now discriminating against Venezuelans, very unfair to say that I promote hatred".

Nani is receiving support from many cartoonists and organisations from different countries.

On 26 September, the third court denied the tutela action and the complainant challenged the decision. It was accepted by the court, so the case is not yet closed.

Third complaint

This is the third complaint in Colombia about a cartoon so far this year.

In March it was the turn of a Matador, although the tutela action was finally rejected, just a few days later Diego García was denounced was accused of libel and slander by the mayor of Florida-Blanca, Héctor Mantilla.

The figure of the acción de tutela in Colombia is similar to that of the complaint here and is of rapid execution, it is a preferential and summary procedure. It is a preferential and summary procedure with 10 working days for its resolution. The tutela seeks to protect the fundamental constitutional rights of individuals. It is used"when they believe that these rights have been violated by the action or omission of any public authority or private individuals in the cases indicated in this decree".

Related, 117 cases all over the world.

Colombian cartoonist Nani is accused of "inciting hatred against Venezuelans" 2

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