Looking for Quino, documentary (2020)

Publicado: 04/06/2020 : 18:09 | Actualizado: 08/06/2024 : 04:25 |

Looking for Quino, documentary (2020)

YouTube video

Looking for Quino

Joaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón, Quino, is the creator of Mafalda, with whom he crossed the borders of Argentina to conquer half the world.

This 27-minute documentary is a tribute to him and a look at some of the most intimate moments of his life.

"Everyone who knows him warns me of the risk. They tell me that Quino was always shy, laconic and reserved. That he said almost everything in his exquisite drawings, but that he doesn't like to talk... He is withdrawn and now he hardly sees anything but lights, shadows and fleeting glimmers..."says Boy Olmi, "but after three meetings in his house, surrounded by the music of Erik Satie and the Beatles, good wine, and even a copy of the Treasury of Youth, an encyclopaedia he read as a child, among other things, these conversations and his silences came about".

Quino still has a lot to say. And it's a feast to listen to him."

This material was recorded at the end of 2018, a 27-minute version was edited where Boy Olmi talks with Quino about passages of his life and could be followed at the same time through the web www.conectamasfiis.com

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