Quino is the pseudonym of the Argentinean cartoonist of Spanish descent Joaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón, known internationally for the characters in his most popular series, Mafalda. Quino was born on 17 July 1932 in the Andean city of Mendoza (Argentina). Quino lost his parents very early in life. His mother died when the cartoonist was thirteen years old and two years later his father died, leaving him at the age of fifteen in charge of his siblings. At thirteen, he entered the School of Fine Arts, where he spent only two years. At the age of 18, he left for Buenos Aires, where all the weekly newspapers and major humorous publications were located, to try his luck in the not easy profession of humour. Shortly afterwards, he would create the characters that, by a stroke of luck, would bring him worldwide fame. Quino died in Mendoza on 30 September 2020 at the age of 88 from a stroke.