Patriotic police

Patriotic police

Patriotic police. Cartoon of 13/07/2024 in CTXT

Translation of the cartoon: "Years later the sewer was still emanating 'patriotism'".

According to and El País, the police spied for months on at least 55 Podemos MPs between 2015 and 2016 when Mariano Rajoy was in power, although depending on the media outlet you read it in, you can find reports that say that up to 69 people were spied on.

The"patriotic police"(sic) used the resources of the Ministry of the Interior without judicial authorisation for espionage tasks originating in a network already known as"the sewers of the state".

Now, the documentation on the dirty war against Podemos has reached the Audiencia Nacional and judge Santiago Pedraz is investigating who ordered the espionage in which it is said that the second in Interior, Francisco Martínez, and the chief commissioner of the Central Operational Support Unit, Enrique García Castaño, could be involved.

This documentation is supposed to prove, on the basis of conversations that took place between the two in January 2006, that agents made thousands of queries in police databases without judicial endorsement with the intention of damaging the reputation of the then newly elected Podemos MPs.

Francisco Martínez, the former number two of the Interior Ministry under the PP, now says that those 7,000 consultations without judicial authorisation on Podemos were "an ordinary police activity". The normal thing. In the PP, when they don't control the justice system "from behind", they go through the motions.

Given the seriousness of the matter, the lukewarm scope and coverage of this news is surprising. I believe that in any civilised country that calls itself "democratic" it would have shaken the "foundations" of public opinion for months and would have been the subject of an urgent national debate on the necessary and inevitable deep cleansing and purging of the corrupt, but not here.

As Rajoy, Montoro, Cospedal and Margallo once said,"corruption is part of the human condition". From the PP, every time it is shown again how rotten their party is, they let it slip that corruption is all of us. This is how they have been naturalising it according to their interests at any given moment.

This party is known for practising corruption with professionalism; in 2018, 12 of its 14 ministers were imputed, implicated or had received bonuses, and in the same year it was firmly condemned for profiting from the Gürtel plot acting as a true"criminal organisation" designed to commit crimes, as stated in the sentence.

The Supreme Court found the existence of a criminal plot to enable the crime, evade prosecution and facilitate the obtaining of profits, which led the court to uphold the conviction for criminal association for several of the defendants.

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