Box B

Caja B sentencia

Box B. Cartoon of 17/11/2024 in CTXT "The justice system confirmed that the entire party structure was affected by 'corruptelosis'". The Supreme Court confirmed the conviction of the PP as civilly liable for the payment in black for the works of its headquarters in Calle Génova 13, this ratification is the third firm



Ballast. Cartoon of 10/11/2024 in CTXT Translation of the cartoon: "Do we let Mazón (President of the Valencian Community) go now"? "No, wait, we're still coming back". According to figures from the Government Delegation, some 130,000 people demonstrated on Saturday 9 November in Valencia to demand the resignation of Carlos Mazón, president of

Patriotic police

Policía patriótica

Patriotic police. Cartoon of 13/07/2024 in CTXT Translation of the cartoon: "Years later the sewer was still emanating 'patriotism'". According to and El País, the police spied for months on at least 55 Podemos MPs between 2015 and 2016 when Mariano Rajoy was in power, although depending on the media outlet you

The routine of Feijóo

The routine of Feijóo

Electoral routine. Cartoon of 16/07/2023 in CTXT Well, that's it. Today the last debate before going to vote was held on RTVE. All the debates have been baptised as the "decisive" one, but Feijóo did not go to today's debate. In the PP, they have decided to leave it to his subordinate, who

PP and Vox, twinned by censorship


Twinned by censorship. Cartoon of 15/07/2023 in CTXT Here is a list of some of the latest attempts at censorship, some of them completed, by the ultra-right-wing PP-Vox with their respective links, which I have been noting down with the intention of updating them as it is more than likely that we will

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