Smart cameras

Smart cameras

'Smart cameras'. Cartoon of 16/04/2023 in CTXT

Iran last Saturday began implementing a plan to re-impose the wearing of the veil on women using a system of "smart" cameras on public roads.

Iran aims to avoid "tension" and "conflict" over the enforcement of the law requiring the wearing of the hijab, which sparked protests after the death of 22-year-old Masha Amini in police custody after she was arrested for "improperly wearing" the veil. In December 2022, many media outlets reported that the Iranian Prosecutor's Office had announced the disbanding and dismantling of the "Veil Police", which was not true.

Women who do not wear the veil are supposed to be identified and receive a first warning text message on their mobile phone informing them of the offence, "repeat offenders" will be prosecuted. Such is the repressive package that the authorities are demanding that shops and restaurants should not serve women without the veil and have already closed a number of establishments for not complying with this order.

According to the police, this chastity and hijab the police say the chastity and hijab plan aims to "preserve family values, strengthen mental health and ensure the peace of citizens" and prevent acts that "tarnish" the country's spirituality. They can sell it any way they want, there is no neologism that can soften this totalitarian filth.

Student organisations have already announced new protests against the measure.

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