Tax on large fortunes
Cartoon of 27 June 2020 in CTXT
When you "ride contradictions" (I always wanted to use this stale expression with stale inverted commas) you are sure to hear someone say that politics is like that.
It could be said by a professional of the same, a political analyst with a quick and easy headline, it could also be said by more than one militant or sympathiser or even a simple and supposedly depoliticised staunch detractor of the others as the enemy to beat above all else. It is also very likely that all this nonsense makes no sense to you. Not least of all.
We are enthusiastic about easy truths and although they exist, the tangle of political movements will ensure that they cease to be so and don't ask again because it will happen to you like when you try to understand the absurd movements of the economy, there will always be someone to tell you that you don't understand what it's all about, that you shouldn't get into those swamps. This is how the PSOE has ended up refusing to allow the tax on the very rich to go ahead, out of fear to make those who are actually part of it uncomfortable.. the codfish.

Cartoon of 5/05/2019 in CTXT
The PSOE has a good track record of taking steps backwards, it doesn't disappoint half as much when it is undoing itself as it did when it was the great left-wing hope and wore corduroy jackets with shoulder pads, but of course, those were such difficult times that they were easier at the time.
With his partners there shouldn't be so much relaxation, and although they are still novices at co-governing, they have come from strongly hammering home the message and aspiring to the assault on the heavens. No one would now understand that they would seek the conformity and approval of Don Amancio.
Iron fists and glass jaws are no longer useful. Nor does the blind warmth of unconditional acritics help. If this is the case now, I don't even want to imagine what it will be like when the end of the legislature comes to an end, and if anything, the beginning of a possible second one.

One day someone has to explain to me why this ruckus of those who are now in government and at the same time claim on Twitter that things have to be done that they can and should do because they govern, becoming a kind of sub-opposition to the opposition and to themselves.
This is no longer a competition of RT's or a comfortable interview to churn out bombastic and saleable headlines. This is the flour of truth and they promised bread, not Maccabean rolls.
They signed what they called a progressive coalition and said it was a new agreement for Spain, because at the moment it all still sounds like an old popular song playing on a gramophone.