TCF - Transparency and Consent Framework, the cookie issue

Publicado: 15/10/2020 : 17:55 | Actualizado: 30/07/2024 : 10:46 |


TCF - Transparency and Consent Framework, the cookie issue

There is no way to get rid of the cookie warnings that eat up anything you try to read. Not only are they not going to go away, they are mutating into increasingly annoying and annoying banners.

The main new feature of the cookie policy that website owners will have to adapt to is the transition to TCF v2.0. This is a new update to the cookie policy that eliminates the option to continue browsing as valid consent for the installation of cookies.

The text the new policy includes the possibility of working with "cookie walls", provided that the user is offered a genuine alternative option so that cookies are not installed without real and effective technical consent.

No more little simple banner

In short, all those"if you continue browsing you accept cookies" cookie banners with an "accept or close" button will no longer be valid . And there are plenty of them. The user must consent to the use of cookies before they are installed, know the uses and be able to revoke consent at any time, among other things. And watch out, the fines are no laughing matter.

Failure to comply with the Regulation 20 million or 4% of the company's worldwide turnover for certain infringements. The data protection authority can impose additional remedial measures, such as forcing the termination of the processing of personal data.

The implementation deadline for the new notices is 31 October . There is no longer much room to adapt them to the texts and conditions of TCF version 2.0 if there are no extensions.

The TCF The Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) is a set of consent rules and policies created by the IAB Europe with the intention to help content sites that use advertising to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR ) and all laws protecting readers and users to respect their privacy in Europe and worldwide.

The aim is to inform users about what data is being collected and how it will be used. This will require using a common language to communicate the user's consent for the delivery of advertising and digital content.

TCF – Transparency and Consent Framework Error Adsense 2.1a

This is all very primary information. To learn more and better you can read about this issue in these documents:

TCF - Transparency and Consent Framework, the cookie issue 2
TCF - Transparency and Consent Framework, the cookie issue 2

Guide on the use of cookies

TCF on IAB Spain

TCF v2.0 and Adsense ads, bugs 2.1a and 1.1

On 23 September, a message appeared: "We have detected problems with your IAB Transparency and Consent Framework string on one or more of your websites or applications. These errors may affect your ability to show ads to European users. You can view a detailed report on the EU User Consent page".

TCF - Transparency and Consent Framework, the cookie issue 4

For four quid a year, Adsense is nothing but trouble. At first I thought it would be another of those three clicks accepting the legal firmulises , or something like that. Deluded me.

Error Adsense 2.1a

The first contact with the explanation of errors 1.1 and 2.1a was like reading a manual for playing the Theremin with your feet. It all sounded like Martian dialect to me. And in the meantime, the bugs kept growing

TCF - Transparency and Consent Framework, the cookie issue 6

Now that I'm almost an expert in extraterrestrial communications, I can say (in a very summarised way) that error 1.1 is almost fixed by itself and that error 2.1a is that the ad cookie has not been blocked before the user has given consent for it to be displayed. Let's get to the solution. For that you need a CMP, they say.

TCF – Transparency and Consent Framework

What is a CMP?

A CMP (Consent Management Platform) is any mechanism installed on a website to collect and store information about the consent that users accept or refuse the different cookies used on it. In the case of Wordpress there are quite a few plugins dedicated to this issue, but not all of them work.

All the CMPs on this list, which is updated daily, have passed the compliance checks required by the IAB Europe CMP compliance programme. CMPs that are not on this list are either not registered with the TCF or are non-compliant.

Please note, however, that none of these plugins guarantees that by simply installing them you are already compliant with the law.

All technical adjustments to make them compatible with your Wordpress installation (if any), your template and the other plugins you use, are your responsibility. You will need to ensure that the cookie consent/refusal is effective and working properly or find someone to do it or support you to do it properly.

After trying several CMP plugins with varying results, usually difficult to make them work, expensive or cumbersome, I have found one with which I have managed to configure the consent thing correctly, largely thanks to its support. I insist, their support is the best, even for the free version. And now I hope you manage to make that string of death notices disappear before 13 November.

This is the Complianz plugin, its basic free version also does the job, plus it has three paid versions that offer interesting and necessary features such as legal documents and other interesting settings.

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Update. After a 45-day fight, on November 14, just in the discount time and after a lot of trial and error, the Adsense TCF error warnings 2.1a and 1.1 disappeared.

Error Adsense 2.1a

In both cases I have to applaud their support. For the free version they do it from the repository page. For the paid versions they do it through tickets (in English).

The response times are acceptable. They take care to solve the problems of operation and compatibility with other add-ons. I can attest, I was giving them a hard time every day for almost a week until everything was fixed.

There are still some minor bugs with the language of the texts, but the main thing, which is its functioning, is 100% correct. Or so I hope, because you never know how the gremlins that live in Wordpress can react.

It's been 39 dollars well spent (they now have the personal version for a WP installation at 45$).

Disclaimer: If you decide to buy a premium version after testing it and it suits you, you can do it from this affiliate link and I'll get a few maravedíes. And if I can give you a hand in something that is not too much work, you can contact from this form.

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