The PP returns to the centre

The PP returns to the centre

TR: "The PP returns to the centre... of the far right".

Cartoon of 13/03/2022 in CTXT

I guess you already know. The PP won the elections in Castilla y León.

He fell far short of the absolute majority, so Alfonso Fernández Mañueco will repeat thanks to a pact with VOX, which enters the regional government and becomes the vice-president of the Junta and has 3 regional ministries.

Mañueco answered this when he was asked about the 32nd and last point of this agreement, which reads as follows: "..."32. We will promote an orderly immigration that, based on cultural, economic and social integration, and against illegal mafias, will contribute to the future of Castilla y León".

The rest of Vox's retrogrades vox's other moves will be gradually somaticised, don't worry.

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