Carceller, the man who died twice (2021)

YouTube video

This documentary premiered in September at the 66TH SEMINCI of Valladolid and which is screened today in the 35th edition of the Cineuropa Festival.


The documentary unveils the story of Vicente Miguel Carceller, an editor committed to freedom, who with his weekly newspaper 'La Traca' connected with the people and kept the pulse with the power from 1909 to 1939, reaching a circulation of half a million copies a week

A hedonist, festive and transgressor who, with his hurtful articles and caricatures against the Church, the king and fascist generals such as Franco and Queipo de Llano, turned his success into a destiny

In 1940, Carceller and Carlos Gómez Carrera (alias Bluff), editor and cartoonist of the weekly, were doubly silenced, first by a firing squad and then by Franco's censorship.

Carceller, the man who died twice (2021)

Mediterráneo Media

Duration: 99 minutes. Director: Ricardo Macián. Script: Ricardo Macián. Interveners: Paco Roca, Pep Plaza, Paco Alegre, J.M. Gurillo, Lola Moltó, J.M. Casany, Bruno Tamarit, Resu Belmonte. Editing: Miguel Ángel Villa Guerra. Photography: José Milán, Pablo González. Producer: Fausto J. Atienza, Antonio Mansilla, Nacho Navarro.

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