Roundtable, comics and housing activism

Roundtable, comics and housing activism

Submitted by Xavi Franch.

Wednesday 23 February, at 18.30h, at the Jaume Fuster Library (Plaça de Lesseps, 20).

The Jaume Fuster Library is organising, together with the FAVB, the El Coll Civic Centre, and the District of Gràcia a round table with neighbourhood activists and cartoonists who will meet to talk about the memory of the struggles for housing in Barcelona. Specifically on the role that comics have played in promoting reflection, criticism and demands. In this dialogue, the past and the present will be linked, as well as the local and city perspective.

This activity is organised within the framework of the programme 'Memòries de les lluites per l'habitatge' to disseminate and vindicate the movements and people who have developed collective strategies for the defence of the right to housing in the city.

The participants will be Alfons López, Marika Vila, Encarna Revuelta y Carlos Azagra. It will be moderated by Pepe Gálvez and presented by Andrés Naya. The programme "Memories of housing struggles"was created to study, disseminate and vindicate the movements and people who have developed collective strategies for the defence of the right to housing in the city

Roundtable, comics and housing activism 1

Intervened billboard the programme is based on the work of the residents of La Verneda Alta. In
the image, diagram on the appearance-visibility of the community body in the exhibition organised by Halfhouse in 2020 with photographs by Manel Armengol

The programme takes as its starting point the 90th anniversary of the first documented major rent strike in Barcelona. Since then, and always with a leading presence of women, the Catalan capital has experienced other demands, episodes of neighbourhood self-organisation and historic moments related to decent housing such as:

  • The building of cheap houses.
  • Shantytowns and their eradication.
  • Self-building in mountain neighbourhoods.
  • The construction of large housing estates and the emergence of social and neighbourhood movements demanding services and public spaces.
  • The lack of public housing.
  • The bursting of the housing bubble and housing speculation.

This initiative, promoted by the Regidoria de Memòria Democràtica of Barcelona City Council, has been worked on in conjunction with the organisations and residents who participate in the Taules de Memòria of the ten districts of the city.

The activities organised until June allow the legacy of the movements and people who have fought for the defence of the right to housing in Barcelona to be discovered, while at the same time contributing to the dissemination of the city's history and the construction of a plural, democratic and gender-sensitive memory, with the witness and participation of the residents who played a leading role in them.

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