Drawing Max (2020)


Drawing Max

Dibuixant Max /Drawing Max is a documentary on the life and work of the cartoonist known as Max. Produced by La Perifèrica produccions, it was previewed on 24th September 2020 in Hall 1 of the Augusta cinema in Palma. Co-written and co-directed by Cesc Mulet and its protagonist, the cartoonist Francesc Capdevila Gisbert "Max", winner of the National Comic Prize in 2007.

The Barcelona Comic Festival offered it online for 48 hours (29 and 30 May 2021) in its Spanish version. It was also broadcast in its Catalan version on 27 May 2021 on Canal 33 in the programme "El documental".

Description of the production company:

"Francesc Capdevila, Max, is a referent author of comics in Spain since the 70s. Always constantly experimenting. He combines humour, freshness, spontaneity and hooliganism, surrealism and philosophical reflections. Just as water comes out of the well, he says, from the shadows, the subconscious never lies. The documentary moves between the first and the third person, between fiction and documentary. We inhabit its cartoons and recognise a narrator labelled as a metaphysical humorist, philosopher, surrealist, irreverent. An animated world, the fruit of Max's fantasy and subconscious, reinforced by Kiko Barrenengoa's soundtrack".


Drawing Max (2020) 1

Genre: Documentary

Length: 70'

Language: Catalan

Versions: Spanish, English and French

Format: HD 1080/25p

Production: la Perifèrica produccions, Oberon Cinematogràfica with the participation of Televisió de Catalunya, IB3 Televisió, Consell de Mallorca and IEB Max's Blog Trailer Drawing a Max (1'55")

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