17 March, first Comic Day

17 March, first Comic Day

The poster is the work of Francesc Capdevila, Max, winner of the first National Comic Prize in 2007. The initiative that led to the declaration of 17 March as Comic Day was born on 11 July 2022 from a proposal by the Minister of Culture

Drawing Max (2020)

Drawing Max (2020)

Dibuixant Max /Drawing Max is a documentary on the life and work of the cartoonist known as Max. Produced by La Perifèrica produccions, it was previewed on 24th September 2020 in Hall 1 of the Augusta cinema in Palma. Co-written and co-directed by Cesc Mulet

Only for Survivors, the story of El Víbora

Only for Survivors, the story of El Víbora

Only for Survivors, the story of El Víbora (2013) Sólo para Supervivientes is a spanish documentary about the history of the adult comics magazine El Víbora, the longest-running magazine in the history of Spanish adult comics, after El Jueves. After its premiere on 14 April