Elderly car parks

Publicado: 07/06/2020 : 02:29 | Actualizado: 19/06/2023 : 04:15 |

Elderly car parks

Elderly car parks

Cartoon of 06/06/2020 in CTXT

The number of deaths caused by the coronavirus in the approximately 5,457 Spanish old people's homes - whether public, subsidised or private - with Covid-19 or similar symptoms stands at 19,415 according to data from the autonomous communities. Most of the deaths occurred in Madrid, Catalonia, Castile and Leon and Castile-La Mancha. Thus, deaths in old people's homes account for 71.5% of the total number of deaths officially notified by the Ministry of Health.

Thus as reported by RTVE on the basis of data provided by the various regional authorities.

This is one of the most misery most disgraceful that the pandemic has left behind. 19.415 of our elderly left to fend for themselves in homes with no resources and/or in shitty conditions, 19,415 people remorselessly erased from the car parks for the elderly.

The hackneyed "when this is all over" is getting closer, provided an outbreak doesn't end up screwing things up even more, and that's when we'll have to get used to the fact that all those who have managed the response to the pandemic will have to be held accountable, no matter what political persuasion they have.

Even before "all this" is over, lawsuits are already underway, nobody wants to pass up the opportunity to politicise the dead before the opposition in order to score electoral points because they will be needed more than ever. Also the civilian population prepare demands to try to regain some of the humanity that was not there for the abandoned.

One of the latest moves is that there is a document which proves that the Ayuso government set "exclusion criteria"to not transfer patients from nursing homes to hospitals.

What this drafting thing is causing you can read about it in whatever media suits your ideological biases and whims, but now what Ayuso called a draft that was studied but "taken nowhere" is a signed and sealed protocol with all its regulatory trappings. Anything but a "mistake".

To finish it off, the Regional Minister of Health of the Community of Madrid, Enrique Ruiz Escudero, contradicts Ayuso and says that the protocol for not transferring patients from residences to hospitals is not valid admits that the protocol for not transferring elderly people from residences to hospitals was indeed sent to the centres.

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