III Francisco de Quevedo International Cartoon Award "QueVedoCartOOn"

III Francisco de Quevedo International Cartoon Award "QueVedoCartOOn"

"Calle del codo". Winning cartoon of the second edition. Author: Juan Gabriel Benavides, Gabo (Spain).

The call for the third edition of the QuevedoCartoon awards is now open.

The theme of this edition is "Quevedo and The Arts"

The arts are understood to be any of the 7 recognised fine arts: architecture, sculpture, painting, music, literature, dance and cinema) and must be directly or indirectly related to the figure of Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas, and may include the character or any theme related to his life or works.

Each participant can submit a maximum of three works until 23.59 hours on 18 June 2022 in each time zone.
The following prizes have been established for the International Cartoon and Caricature Prize:

1st Prize: 1,500 euros.

2nd Prize: 1,000 euros.

3rd Prize 500 euros.

Accessit: 250 euros.

The jury of the 3rd "QuevedoCartoon" Graphic Humour and Caricature Awards will be made up of the following members:

José María Gallego, cartoonist (from "Gallego y Rey") - Spain.

Adriana Mosquera, "Nani" cartoonist - Colombia.

Arturo Molero, cartoonist - Spain.

Mahboube Pakdel, cartoonist - Iran.

José Luis Rivas, president of the Francisco de Quevedo Foundation.

A representative of the sponsors.

Rules and registration form (Coming soon in English):


You can see the participating works in previous editions at franciscodequevedo.org

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