News page, back to RSS feed
With a few minor details to be ironed out, the website of the news.
It now publishes 76 news items from 28 sources (maybe more by the time you read this) with a minimum excerpt and links to the most recent posts on each page.
The newer ones are displacing the older ones. Although a solution for pagination and better caching has yet to be found, for which I'm still looking for a trick to cheat the Litespeed, now you can visit
No content is copied, stored, preserved or archived on the blog server, only the latest posts from each source are shown as they are served by your blog rSS feed.
After a couple of weeks of testing I have calculated that, depending on the current number of feeds and their publication flow, the total number of feeds displayed covers a period of between four and five days.
Can I suggest a feed?
Of course you can. If you have or know of an interesting and useful site on the proposed theme (comics, illustration and graphic humour) you can propose its inclusion using the form on the top right and I will consider adding it to the list of feeds
What types of sources can be added?
It can be a blog or a website as long as it is updated frequently and it is a page that publishes reviews, tutorials, various articles of interest or, failing that, it has a category with a valid feed where these types of pieces are grouped. Youtube channels can also be added.
Remember that it is only possible to add sources that use RSS feeds in XML format, so before submitting your suggestion, check the validity of the feed in the w3C validation service or at Simple Pie , the results of Simple Pie will be very similar to those shown on the page.
This page of news page is formatted with Elementor and is generated with Feedzy RSS Feeds.