8 million dollars drawing cartoons, in 1933

8 million dollars drawing cartoons, in 1933

  A lucky group of some 200 press cartoonists earned between 200 and 1000 dollars a day, these artists moved in an industry that generated 8 million dollars... from 1933. Some of them could earn up to 7000 dollars a week, these numbers are even

How many times will Elise be kidnapped?

How many times will Elise be kidnapped?

Click to enlarge photo On my way back home under one of those suns that turn the brain into a chickpea stew, I had to stop to replenish liquids and on this can machine I found again the photo of Elise, a face that seems

does torture save lives?

does torture save lives?

Original cartoon by Joel Barbee In my daily stroll through ToonPool I find this cartoon by the American cartoonist Joel Barbee among the most commented on the site. The subject is torture by the controversial Waterboarding procedure and the message Joel leaves is that justifying

Comics of the Spanish Civil War, Children and Propaganda 1936-1939

Comics of the Spanish Civil War, Children and Propaganda 1936-1939

Note the "subliminal" relationship between "red" and murderer as children's reading. Some images of Spanish Civil War comics from the exhibition, Children and Propaganda 1936-1939. Publications for children that had no sex but did call for violence at the top of their voices, including evangelism.

Juan Valdez v. Mike Peters

Juan Valdez v. Mike Peters

Juan Valdez v Mike Peters lawsuit object cartoon Cartoon 1 Mother Goose: Mmm, fresh Colombian coffee in the morning. Ralph: You know there's a big crime syndicate in Colombia... Cartoon 2 Ralph: So, when they say there's a little bit of Juan Valdez in every

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