The Illumination of Jim Woodring (2019)

The Illumination of Jim Woodring (2019)

This documentary by Chris Brandt explores the mystical and award-winning work of American comic book creator, cartoonist and painter Jim Woodring. An artist who has astonished the world for three decades, he has also suffered from hallucinations and hyperrealistic visions since he was a child,



Eurovision. Cartoon of 14/05/2023 in CTXT Last Saturday was held that annual musical attack called Eurovision and it already seems like something that happened a thousand years ago. The festival is an eternal coma patient, nobody wants to switch it off because its testament is

ORICO MH4PU-P, USB 3.0 hub


This post does NOT contain any affiliate links or anything similar. Any product or accessory mentioned here has been purchased from places with which I have no links whatsoever. The latest accessory I've picked up is this four port USB 3.0 hub. It turns out

"Bluff", the death of a cartoonist

"Bluff", the death of a cartoonist

Yesterday a new book about Carlos Gómez Carrera, "Bluff", was presented at the Valencia City Hall. (1903-1940), one of the most important cartoonists of the Spanish Republican period who was shot by Franco's regime in the Modelo prison in Valencia at the end of the

Manifesto calling for regulation of AI imagers

Manifesto calling for regulation of AI imagers

SEGAP (CGT's Barcelona Union of Shows, Graphic Arts, Audiovisuals and Paper), together with ARTEesÉTICA, has presented a manifesto to demand the regulation of image-generating AIs in Spanish-speaking countries and has started collecting signatures. As the union recalls, the founder of Midjourney, David Holz, assured Forbes

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