Bill Blackbeard, the man who saved comics

Bill Blackbeard

This is a frequent reference to Bill Blackbeard and, as you will see, this is no exaggeration. An exhibition, curated by Ann Lennon and Caitlin McGurk and opening in November 2022, on view until 7 May this year at the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library &

Clarity, free heat mapping and video recording sessions

Clarity, free heat mapping and video recording sessions

Clarity records in real time various user interactions on your website, e.g. how the page is rendered, interactions such as mouse movements, clicks, scrolling, etc. and returns reports, heat maps and video session recordings. Links to the recorded sessions can be shared with members of

Tronsmart Groove 2, a cheap and attractive Bluetooth speakerphone

Tronsmart Groove 2

This post does NOT contain any affiliate links or anything similar. All the products mentioned have been purchased from different places with which I have no links whatsoever. I had to sort out the audio on the Raspberry Pi 4 I released earlier this year

Smart cameras

'Cámaras inteligentes'

'Smart cameras'. Cartoon of 16/04/2023 in CTXT Iran last Saturday began implementing a plan to re-impose the wearing of the veil on women using a system of "smart" cameras on public roads. Iran aims to avoid "tension" and "conflict" over the enforcement of the law

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