Plurality of information

Publicado: 10/07/2022 : 23:54 | Actualizado: 19/06/2023 : 00:15 |

Plurality of information

Plurality of information. Cartoon of 09/07/2022 in CTXT

This cartoon was published on Saturday 9 July because there were "new"enough topics and others recurring to revisit the issue of the progressive weakening of journalism. Yes, of journalism because in the big groups that monopolise the television grid there is shit to give and to give away and it splashes those who want to do it well and try to do it every day.

When this other cartoon was published in 2019 I remember getting a few scoldings. Now I think I put little poo in it.

As luck would have it, on Sunday 10 July Crónica Libre publish the audios of the chumming between Ferreras and Villarejo. Listen carefully. Note the macabre and castrojo tone in the audios. The sewers of A3Mierda in all their splendour.

If you live disconnected from this immense dump, first of all let me congratulate you, but if you wish to know what the matter is about it is explained here with your obligatory dose of synthesis. Just to refresh your memory and have more context, remember also this.

I'll bet one of my three testicles that the guild's response will be a week (maybe less) of throwing the baby out with the bathwater

You will hear excuses as childish and crude as Inda's "exclusives", you will hear "journalistic" tables set up for victimisation, you will read closed defences, corporativism in full, some razzle-dazzle and the usual absence of self-criticism in the face of all this bullshit.

Worse still, by the time you blink three times this story will be gone. It will become part of that buried distant past where the real intruders of the guild bury all their rubbish and misery

If there is one thing they know how to do, it is to reprogramme our attention every day by serving us another, fresher, bigger shit.

Plurality of information 1

Coup media

Grupo Planeta tried to subvert the popular will expressed at the ballot box by knowingly using false reports. Patricia López's exclusive, which reveals the audios of a conversation between ex-commissioner Villarejo and Grupo Planeta executives Antonio García Ferreras and Mauricio Casals, is the final confirmation that Spain's leading media group has conspired for years with police, judges and other self-styled journalists to try to sink the credibility and political career of Pablo Iglesias Read more

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