Practical guide for the protection of editorial cartoonists

Publicado: 19/12/2019 : 14:20 | Actualizado: 19/10/2021 : 14:10 |


Practical guide for the protection of editorial cartoonists

Practical guide for the protection of editorial cartoonists, the cover illustration is by Cuban cartoonist ARES


Produced with the support of the European Union, designed for cartoonists and Cartooning for Peace available on the web cartooning for Peace, this document, in English and French, brings together advice and information that can serve as a guide for those who face specific or persistent threats due to their profession.

It contains advice, testimonials and useful links. It focuses on both risk prevention and response to threats and attacks.

Practical guide for the protection of editorial cartoonists

And another interesting document.

2019 in vignettes: a terrible year for press cartoons

Practical guide for the protection of editorial cartoonists 2

Courrier International, today publishes a supplement entitled"2019 en Cartoons - une année noire pour le dessin de presse". A special report (in French) in collaboration with Cartooning for Peace.

It is a review of this year's cartoon-related news. The dossier aims to raise readers' awareness of the current state of the profession and the challenges and obstacles that some press cartoonists have faced in order to carry out their work in 2019.

Practical guide for the protection of editorial cartoonists 3More information.

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