The price of electricity

The price of electricity

The price of light.Cartoon of 12/03/2022 in CTXT

Teresa Ribero, third vice-president and minister for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, assured that the price of electricity will be decoupled from gas in April. Before, the price of electricity went up because of potatoes, now it is going up because of potatoes and the war.

On 10 March, CEOE president Antonio Garamendi Lerendi criticised any possibility of "interventionism" in the energy market and electricity companies to limit dividends. The crawling manager of the employers' association considers that the government cannot take any decision in this sense unless Europe allows it, and predicted that, if it does, Spain will resemble Venezuela.

Just a few hours later, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, announced that, "before the end of this month", the EU executive "will present options to limit the contagion effect of the rise in gas prices on electricity prices".

In addition, the OECD is now advocating a tax increase on electricity companies so that part of this revenue can be used to offset the increase in electricity bills for affected consumers and businesses. 

The bastard Garamendi doesn't give a damn about Venezuelans, Spaniards and in general about any human being who is not a businessman in his miserable organisation. His only interest is to continue to pile up profits and let the poor and everyone else who is having a hard time die.

Garamendi says that Spain "will look like Venezuela" while electricity rises 80% in 12 months, petrol 52%, butane 30% and the CPI rises to 7.6% in February, two tenths more than expected, the highest rate in 36 years.

To close the circle of the petty, Ana Botín, self-proclaimed queen of cynicism with the invaluable help of the usual media mamporreos, is still determined to make us believe that she is not a multimillionaire lady who has money coming out of her ears thanks to a single "merit", having inherited a bank.

The price of electricity 1

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