Poverty is normalised

Poverty is normalised

Poverty is normalised. Cartoon of 24/06/2017 in CTXT The report "Desprotección Social y Estrategias Familiares" by Cáritas and FOESSA Foundation concludes that, three years after the start of the new economic cycle, 70% of households have not perceived that the effects of the economic recovery

Killings of journalists in Mexico

Killings of journalists in Mexico

Murders of journalists in Mexico. Cartoon of Saturday 20/05/2017 in CTXT A hundred people gathered in front of the Mexican embassy in Madrid, which lowered the flag and refused to receive the communiqué protesting against the murders of journalists in Mexico, against the complicity of

Fascism, reflex action

Fascism, reflex action

Reflex action The cartoon of 29/04/2017 in CTXT Finally, the criminal (proud of his Nazism) who assaulted the guy who was sitting on a terrace in Bilbao was arrested (and released on probation) along with his two colleagues (released with charges) in Benacazón (Seville). He

Urban transphobia

Urban transphobia

Urban Transphobia. Cartoon of 01/03/2017 for CTXT In this space I was going to write one more note about the intentionality, the context and the protagonists of this story, but I got bored of repeating the same thing. Beyond the usual song about the media

Freedoms in Spain

Freedoms in Spain

Freedoms in Spain The cartoon of 26/02/2017 at CTXT Whenever I add an international case to this list (only cartoon-related issues), someone comes along to remind me of "well, in Spain, so and so". Without going any further, for this week there are seven trials