The machinery. Cartoon of 27/04/2024 in CTXT
TR: "The secret is to get a perfect mix of hoaxes, speculation and headlines".
I'm not going to go on at length because I am convinced that there is not a living creature left who does not know the story of Pedro Sánchez's letter and who has not expressed an opinion on it.
The deadline for reflection is today and half the world thinks they know what he is going to say, but I will not try to deceive them. Nor do I have any suspicions. In a pool in which the options, in principle, are divided between a"see you later, Lucas" or a"they won't move us from Chanquete's boat", you don't need to be an expert in applied statistics to bet yes or no.
Be that as it may, as I don't like bets either, and I am also more than sure that we are in for another long day of debates with whatever comes out, I will limit myself to leaving here the shoddy complaint of"Manos Limpias", based solely on scraps of damaged merchandise and which is the origin (but not the only one) of the affair.
In any case, it is a very bad thing that a few judges can trample and shit on what we call democracy and it should be more than enough reason to address an urgent reform of the judiciary.
This bunch, which claims to be a trade union and calls itself"Manos limpias", are the same authors of that infamous"PISA Report", by its acronym "Pablo Iglesias Sociedad Anónima". It was shown that it was neither a report nor anything else. It was a tawdry jumble of cuttings, screenshots of press headlines, copies of publicly available documents and speculation attributed to the Economic and Fiscal Crime Unit (UDEF) to give it the appearance of an official document, but nothing proved it to be so.
The Audiencia Nacional described it at the time as a "disorderly collection of news".
But you know, lying as a system is free for liability purposes, and on top of that, you get money.
This time, those with their hands have worked even less on the "layout" of the new farce and have presented a ragged press clipping they call DENUNCIATION. To make matters worse, they have not taken long to confess that it is based only on "journalistic information" that could be false news and that the justice system will have to deal with the media in question. It is absurd and ridiculous that this has been admitted for processing.
Update 29/04 - 19:05. Well, that would be it. Pedro does not leave and the judge refuses to summon Begoña Gómez.
It is worth remembering that the Supreme Court has for years prohibited the opening of cases such as that of Begoña Gómez based solely on journalistic reports, but once again, the botched job has come up against a judge who does not give a damn about this.
Foul play to try to dismantle governments is nothing new. Here is another one from not so long ago.
Extra ball: the story of an old lawfare.
It is also worth noting ABC's plaintive cry, which has been joined in one way or another by the rest of the media cited in the complaint. It is not superfluous to remind them once again that no, what they are doing is NOT journalism.
Special mention should be made of The Objetive and their pitiful failure to rectify a piece of rubbish with which they joined the hoax party in an absurd act of sostenella y no enmendalla to try to get out of a pool of mud that they themselves had created (which is not the first one either). Their hoax ended up being part of the Manos Limpias complaint.

Telemadrid, which also wallowed with gusto in The Objective puddle, had to publicly confess that they had spread the hoax without trying to verify a damn thing. A display of anti-journalism with a good dose of cynicism: the verification was not done before, during or after, so it could not be accredited.
To finish off, as it is already getting very dark, I leave Lucía Nistral's intervention during the inauguration of La Comuna de Zaragoza as a side note because it sums up quite well several little things I started to write about it and thus saves you from reading another sack of words.