The shopping basket

The shopping basket

Translation: " Total loss"

The shopping basket, cartoon of 23/01/2022 on CTXT

The price of eggs, bread, pasta, oil and other foodstuffs rose between 3.8% and 26%

Three out of every four products and services included in what is called the "shopping basket" on which the CPI is calculated, along with the electricity and fuels, rose in price in 2021 compared to the previous year. Food prices in the shopping basket will continue to rise" during the first quarter of 2022.

The new revision of the price of the butane cylinder has set an all-time high. Since 18 January, the price of a cylinder of gas has been almost 18 euros, 33.5% more expensive than last year.

According to a study, not at all suspicious of belonging to anti-capitalist circles, Spain is the most expensive country in Western Europe more unequal of Western Europe. In our country, the richest 20% concentrates more than half of the capital income and more than 43% of the income from salaried work.

The Minimum Vital Income has not helped much in balancing this inequality, three out of four applicants for MVI, 14 euros a day, do not exceed the filters

According to according to December data, this benefit barely benefits 362,000 households, out of the 850,000 initially planned when the benefit came into force a year and a half ago.

Welcome to the future. This is the scenario, you can stroll through a city and come across a "Welcome to the future "hunger queue" or you can watch a pile of containers being erected, which they call a block of flats, and around the corner you will be delighted to see an eviction in which you intervene a legion of police in case there is a need to beating everyone with batons.

Living in 25 square metre containers

Barcelona City Council has started work on the second building of social flats in the city.

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