Trump indicted on 37 criminal charges

Trump indicted on 37 criminal charges

Trump indicted on 37 criminal charges. Cartoon of 11/06/2023 in CTXT

Donald Trump has been indicted on 37 criminal charges for 7 felonies related to classified documents he stacked in boxes in his Florida mansion. He even kept them in the bathroom.

Indictment (PDF)

Among the charges are withholding information, concealing documents, conspiracy to obstruct justice and false statements.

The only thing missing from the indictment is a tacky charge, because you have to be sleazy to keep classified and secret documents in that churrigueresque shitter.

The false statements come as no surprise to anyone. The Orange Boy has been arguably the most deceitful and deceitful president in the US. In four years, President Trump made 30,573 false or misleading statements, according to The Washington Post.

According to the Post, when they began counting President Donald Trump's false or misleading claims, they recorded 492 suspicious claims in the first 100 days of his presidency. On November 2 alone, the day before the 2020 vote, Trump made 503 false or misleading claims as he toured the country in a desperate effort to win re-election.

Trump made an average of six false or misleading claims a day in his first year as president, 16 a day in his second year, 22 a day in his third year and 39 a day in his final year. In other words, it took him 27 months to reach 10,000 and another 14 months to reach 20,000. He reached and surpassed 30,000 in less than a year.

That was his legacy. A huge mountain of lies, bullshit and insults

Trump indicted on 37 criminal charges 1

Cartoon of 08/11/2020

and what does Trump's language say? The usual. He spouts the usual shitstorm that it's all lies, that he's innocent and that Biden is corrupt and hiding papers too.

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